⬙ Synthetic Traffic

We make fake people that
use your real product

We know it’s hard to build products. Especially social, realtime, and community based ones. How do you design an experience for people without people there to try it?

Synthetic Traffic uses your product the same way your real users will, at any stage, to help you build faster and test earlier.

Simulate any scenario or user flow

Observe the cause and effect of your product, from user interactions to the data artifacts they leave behind.

Discover unexpected experiences and create entropy in your system.

Feel your product at critical mass

Don’t be limited by how many friends you can round up. Create traffic of any shape or size.

Get a sense of how your product feels with real user activity flowing through it.

See what your testers are doing

Build your algorithms and social mechanics against realistic user behavior and activity.

Review detailed bot activity reports to help debug issues. Unlike real testers, our bots have perfect memory.

Test your product by using it

Learn from when your product breaks the same way you would on production.

Populate your database with evolving user generated content. No more stale staging environments.

Get on the invite list

We’re slowly adding customers from our waitlist. Sign up now to be one of the first to get access.

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